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Infatuation Scripts
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Written by best-selling author Clayton Max, Infatuation Scripts is a series of scripts that will see you through a variety of relationship situations.

The idea behind the infatuation instinct is actually quite simple: with the words and gestures you use, you can tap into a man’s brain and trigger his infatuation instinct.

Once this chemical is triggered in a man’s brain, that cuts off his feelings for other women and makes him unable to stop thinking about you, even if he really wants to.

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Who can Infatuation Scripts help?

The great thing about this book is that it can help you at all stages of your relationship, from first meeting a guy to being happily married for a number of years.

Let’s break down the 4 types of women who can benefit most from it.

First meeting a guy

Have you ever bumped into a guy, looked up and felt that instant connection?

But, instead of pursuing it, you’ve simply brushed it off and walked away.

After all, it does seem the easier option.

You’ve already embarrassed yourself by bumping into this guy, you don’t want to make things even worse.

Or you’ve simply just met a guy at the pub, and you know there’s something there, but you can’t seem to hold his attention?

No matter what you say, his mind seems to be drifting elsewhere.

The first date

Do you find yourself sitting with a checklist after each date and trying to work out whether this guy ticks all the boxes?

And then trying to work out how you can go about ticking all of his?

The truth is, no matter how much effort you go to, it isn’t going to make sure you’re the one for him and that your relationship has a future.

There’s no worse feeling than finding yourself attracted to a man who seems to show no interest in you whatsoever. In fact, you watch as his mind wanders off thinking about other women.

Six months in

Do you make it into relationships, but always have the feeling that your guy has one foot out the door?

It seems that every guy you meet and date, is never certain that you’re the one for him.

You’re smart, funny, sexy… all the things a guy wants, but there’s something missing.

And you can’t seem to put a finger on it. And neither can they.

It’s like something about you makes me seem unsure.

The husband

Marriage is hard work, and it can certainly lose its spark as the years go by.

You might have found your own marriage seems to be lacking that deeper desire and connection that once drove you.

Your husband doesn’t seem to appreciate you nearly as much anymore.

In fact, if anything he takes you for granted.

How Infatuation Scripts works?

Infatuation Scripts not only dives into this infatuation instinct and just how it can help your relationship.

It also teaches you the techniques you need to trigger this instinct in any man – no matter what stage of your relationship you are in.

The program takes you through the ‘scripts’, so you can learn exact what to say at each stage of the process. However, most women only need to use 3 main techniques to get positive results:

1) Curiosity: This stage is all about encouraging the man to find out more about you, until suddenly you’re the only thing on his mind. He can’t stop thinking about you.

2) Investment: Here is about getting your guy to work for you. That’s right, he will be doing the chasing and trying to prove he is good enough to be with you.

3) Uncertainty: This is the feeling your man will get when he’s with you. The aim is that you don’t give everything away. Don’t let him feel comfortable. He should always be working on winning you over and appreciating exactly what he has when he’s without.

The program goes through another nine techniques that can be used to keep your man on his toes:

  • Independence script: Teaches you to stand u for yourself and be more independent (men love the chase).
  • Intrigued script: Helps you to get his attention and hold it.
  • Cliff-hanger script: Learn how to end conversations like you have so much more to give, to leave them hanging.
  • Barrier script: Discover how to draw and line and put boundaries in place.
  • Curveball script: Gain leverage in your relationship and remain mysterious and attractive.
  • Shaping script: Change his outlook about you, and ‘shape him’ to enjoy the little things.
  • Temptation script: Make him want you in the bedroom and to come back for more.
  • Uninterested script: While you will be giving him attention, the technique will teach you to give him mixed signals. Signals that tell him that he’s missing something.
  • Urgency script: Teaches you to make him panic, to have the feeling that he could lose you.

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